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Surviving in your job and office is easy

Office politics

When you feel victimized and blame others. Horse will reduce the victim mentality. When you blame even in mind, the other person will start blaming.  Pray, “Horse! Help me to stop this blaming”.

When you need cooperation from others, especially for computer professionals, chant HORSE and (Bach Flower Remedy) WILLOW

When there is a severe commotion and you are not able to come out, at that time call horse or look at the picture of horse.

Work-Life balance

Call upon HORSE, when:

  • You don’t want to be a slave to somebody, for example to your boss at work
  • To have freedom from workplace – you are stuck with lots of work and not able to get out of office. And it’s already late.
  • Say, you are away on a holiday for 10 days. Nobody from office should disturb you.
  • When a task couldn’t be completed, or you need strength to complete the work
  • When we want to come out of dire straits, for example the economic downturn in US (you could project it on to US)
  • It gives you leadership qualities

Getting co-operation from others


Even my husband working hard, He is not getting appreciation. He doesn’t have job satisfaction. Because of office politics he is suffering a lot. His colleagues and manager are trying to spoil his name.


 Write the names of flowers “HOLLY, WILLOW, BEECH, WALNUT” in a piece of paper and keep it in his pocket.  Keep HORSE picture also in his pocket.

V. Rajalakshmi

What should be done to gain respect and affection and cooperation from colleagues at work place?


Keep a HORSE picture. Call HORSE and ask “please be in my energy field so that I get cooperation from my colleagues”.

 Daily chant WATER VIOLET while going to the office.  Write WATER VIOLET in a piece of paper and keep it with you

Gain everything

For boost of strength:  Hornbeam, Elm, and Horse

Look at the picture of horse to get self-confidence.

Keep HORSE for any tight financial situation, where your earnings are restricted.

Settle property disputes

HORSE will help you to settle any dispute

In all negotiations you can keep photos of KIWI, HORSE and CRANE.