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Messages from Animal Spirit Guides

How animals provide us with messages?

Animals work from their right brain – so they are intuitive. Human beings work from their left brain – their decisions are based on their thinking.

So when animals appear in our lives in the form of a dream, TV program, Book or appearance, they intend to give us a message or instruction.

God gives us messages in the form of nature. Animals are a way for him to do so. By following these messages then we could heal ourselves or our lives in some way.

What about animals that are among us all the time – for example, a crow or a squirrel. You might meet them in an unusual way – say a Squirrel jumps on you when you are clearing the attic.

What if we don’t follow?

Animals are intuitive. So they give us the message – the call of the day. They can’t be ignored or not taken seriously. If we don’t follow a message, it will be given tomorrow or many times over the week.

Why we need to follow those messages?

By following the messages from animal spirit guides and resolving the issues, we make sure the related situations don’t appear again in our lifetime(s).

We can thus reduce our karmas instead of keep on doing the same (unwanted) thing again and again.

How to follow them?

Each animal give us their own set of messages – one to four messages.

One of the messages will be relevant for us in the current juncture of our lives. By analyzing our current life situation to see which one is appropriate and then follow that message.

Some examples


Be patient. Don’t show your anger or ill-feelings. Tone your heart and express your love


Be flexible. Don’t be adamant. Openly express your love for others.


Release all the anger, resentment, guilt


Take care of your Urinary, Genital organs. Strengthen your Hara Chakra. This implies there is a strain in your relationship. Curb the desires (message from God and not from the Rabbit).

God bless the Animal Kingdom! Thus, the Human Beings!!

Enjoy Your Life and Work

Love your house and place of work

We may be blaming the present house where we are living. Then we will not get a good house in the future. In addition, many bad things may happen in the current house.

To like the place where we are, the Animal Spirit Guide PELICAN will help. Houses are very sensitive. So you cannot be blaming the house. Instead, thank the house.

Thus, the message of the Pelican is stop criticizing and grudging.

To be there in a particular place or in a job of your liking, the only prerequisite is love.

When you are feeling resentful, you have to look at the picture of PELICAN. Then your anger, blaming, resentment – everything will come down.

If you dislike your current job, you will not find a new job of your liking

Many people say, “I don’t like this job”. With the result they will not give their hundred percent to their work.

By cursing the employer and everyday going to the work with lot of resentment, you will not get any other job. So, you have to give your hundred percent in your current job.

Suddenly you will dislike a place, feel somebody is bossing over you, recognition is not there or proper remuneration is not there. In all such cases, PELICAN will work wonders by making that person give hundred percent in their present job.

If you are not getting a new job then find out how you treat your current job.

Life lessons

You will understand your life lessons, if you meditate on PELICAN.

Health issues

PELICAN is good for varicose veins problems.

If the body has become hot (excess heat) then meditate on PELICAN. It makes the body cool. For the same reason it should not be used for fever.

No Work during festival holidays

Swami was asked to work through festival holidays, due to tight project schedule.

As he is the business analyst for the project and his presence is a must, he couldn’t ask for leave during that period.

He downloaded a picture of horse and kept it as a screen saver.

His boss, knowing Swami’s need to go to his native place, without any prompting from Swami, allowed him to go to his native place, with an additional two day’s comp-off.

Surviving in your job and office is easy

Office politics

When you feel victimized and blame others. Horse will reduce the victim mentality. When you blame even in mind, the other person will start blaming.  Pray, “Horse! Help me to stop this blaming”.

When you need cooperation from others, especially for computer professionals, chant HORSE and (Bach Flower Remedy) WILLOW

When there is a severe commotion and you are not able to come out, at that time call horse or look at the picture of horse.

Work-Life balance

Call upon HORSE, when:

  • You don’t want to be a slave to somebody, for example to your boss at work
  • To have freedom from workplace – you are stuck with lots of work and not able to get out of office. And it’s already late.
  • Say, you are away on a holiday for 10 days. Nobody from office should disturb you.
  • When a task couldn’t be completed, or you need strength to complete the work
  • When we want to come out of dire straits, for example the economic downturn in US (you could project it on to US)
  • It gives you leadership qualities

Getting co-operation from others


Even my husband working hard, He is not getting appreciation. He doesn’t have job satisfaction. Because of office politics he is suffering a lot. His colleagues and manager are trying to spoil his name.


 Write the names of flowers “HOLLY, WILLOW, BEECH, WALNUT” in a piece of paper and keep it in his pocket.  Keep HORSE picture also in his pocket.

V. Rajalakshmi

What should be done to gain respect and affection and cooperation from colleagues at work place?


Keep a HORSE picture. Call HORSE and ask “please be in my energy field so that I get cooperation from my colleagues”.

 Daily chant WATER VIOLET while going to the office.  Write WATER VIOLET in a piece of paper and keep it with you

Gain everything

For boost of strength:  Hornbeam, Elm, and Horse

Look at the picture of horse to get self-confidence.

Keep HORSE for any tight financial situation, where your earnings are restricted.

Settle property disputes

HORSE will help you to settle any dispute

In all negotiations you can keep photos of KIWI, HORSE and CRANE.

Find the Right Resources for SUCCESS

For… Money, Study, Purpose and People…


To gather all resources for the exam, when the child is under-prepared and anxious, write the name of the child, and Squirrel using the circle technique.


Squirrel: For people who are doing nothing or loitering around, will find purpose in life


To be surrounded and attract honest and straight-forward people: Squirrel.


To gather all resources for an interview, when you are not prepared for it and therefore you worry about it: SQUIRREL


SQUIRREL can help you to organize and execute your work. You will find the time to do it. You will be able to split up your work in such a way, that you will complete them by bits and pieces.


SQUIRREL: For wise investment. We don’t know how to invest and the company where we have invested will not do well. To handle all of them, call upon Squirrel.


Squirrel: Promotes savings and to accumulate money bit by bit

Cut down Unwanted expenses or money is over by 10th: SQUIRREL. It also helps to do anything within the budget.


Squirrel also will bring in lot of money.

To start earning money, and there will be no financial problem as somehow you will get money: SQUIRREL

You can call upon Squirrel when you are desperately looking for money. Though, it will work only when you need money and constantly worry about it.

Too much financial worries, even though you have enough money in your hands: SQUIRREL



I have been seriously procrastinating in the office due to my heart no longer being I the work I am doing. I really wanted to get my work done. To clean up so that I can feel comfortable moving on to a better more suitable location.

However, no matter what sort of affirmation or pushing I did to myself, I would waste time. I even got sick for a week I believe as a way to escape the office. I felt compassion for myself because I know I am a good worker and that this is happening because I have ignored myself wanting to leave too many times. It was a self-protest if you will.

The situation was becoming problematic though because I was running out of excuses as to why certain items have not yet been completed. I tried to use the circle technique with the Bach flowers Oak, Hornbeam and Elm. I still was not able to get any work done and instead spent my time looking at my astrology and in resolving other personal issues (these issues are important too but work is not the right place!)

Finally, something reminded me to go check out Naran’s animal suggestions. I was thinking of an animal other than horse but I couldn’t remember what Naran had said.

I want everyone to know EMU is the animal that will help you defeat procrastination IMMEDIATELY.  I saw a picture of Emu and laughed! After that the work became necessary to do. It went from a chore to just simply the next thing I am going to do…no problem. I am a bit more light-hearted and finished something that should have been done 3 weeks ago in less than 30 mins.

I am sure Emu will continue to help me until I get to the very end of my to-do list.

Thank you EMU. Thank you Naran. Thank you God!

A lazy boy becomes studious

A Chinese mythological story…

A boy was not doing well in class. He was lazy. He used to get up late and had never been to school on time.

One day by chance he got up early. Heard the wake-up call of a Rooster, rather woke up due to it. On a whim he took a decision that he will wake up early like the Rooster and will be the first person to reach the school.

Well, he stuck to his vow, was the first to reach his school, until he completed his schooling, of course.

Moral of the story

Rooster will make you enthusiastic about your endeavors.

Going forward…

So pray to the animal spirit guide Rooster to have enthusiasm and joy for your studies or work. Have the picture of it as your screen saver.

Parents could put up of picture of Rooster, so that their children could study well. How? They do study story books with a great deal of interest. However, when it comes to their studies, they feel bored. But, thanks to Rooster they will develop interest in their studies.

Manage Your Work and Assignments Successfully

Call upon Animal Spirit Guide TORTOISE, when you want to give up a project – maybe it’s too complicated to complete and you become desperate to finish. The equivalent Switch Words are SLOW CARE.

Manage your work

SQUIRREL can help you to organize and execute your work. You will find the time to do it. You will be able to split up your work in such a way, that you will complete them by bits and pieces.


For creativity in the film world, CHIMPANZEE will work.

Resources to achieve your goal

At work, if you think there is no promotion in sight, CUCKOO will give you the required patience to achieve your goal.

Handling a difficult task

When you are heavily burdened, finding it difficult to do the job on hand, see the picture of EMU

Getting co-operation

When you need cooperation from others especially for computer professionals, chant HORSE and (Bach Flower Remedy) WILLOW

If in a factory the workers are not working properly, you can hang the photo of the WOLF there.

Managing your superiors

INDIAN CUCKOO: In government offices where the higher-ups pressurize too much the lower staff, to handle them by lower rank people, this bird will help.

Project Management

RABBIT also helps to complete all projects in time.

Yes! Your job can be fun and enriching!!

Even in the morning times when one is not motivate to do the work, HUMMING BIRD can help.

Interest to do your job

Not to lose interest in your work, DRAGON FLY will help you

Feeling bored

When you are getting bored with doing the same routine work look at the picture of DOLPHIN and immediately you will get a surge of energy.

If you dislike your current job, you will not find a new job

Many people say that “I don’t like this job”. With the result they will not give their hundred percent to their work.

Cursing the employer and everyday going to the work with lot of resentment, in all situation you will not get any other job till you give your hundred percent.

Suddenly will dislike a place and feel somebody is bossing over you and recognition is not there or proper remuneration is not there. In all such cases, PELICAN will work wonders and make that person give hundred percent in the present job.

If you are not getting a new job then find out how you treat the current job.

Work-Life balance

Call upon HORSE, when:

  • You don’t want to be a slave to somebody, for example to your boss at work
  • To have freedom from workplace – you are stuck with lots of work and not able to get out of office. And it’s already late.
  • Say, you are away on a holiday for 10 days. Nobody from office should disturb you.
  • When a task couldn’t be completed, or you need strength to complete the work
  • When we want to come out of dire straits, for example the economic downturn in US (you could project it on to US)
  • It gives you leadership qualities

Get the money you want


My husband handles a lot of our home and business management issues and he often feels overwhelmed by too many problems and responsibilities that just land on him and drag on forever.

Nobody else seems to take any responsibility or do anything competently. He feels he is always putting out fires and not having time to move forward. Are there any switch words or remedies I could use on his behalf?


  1. Keep a picture of King Fisher under his pillow.
  2. When anybody is overwhelmed with work there are two remedies in Bach flowers. They are ELM and OAK. Write his name and circle. Draw one more concentric circle and write these flowers. Daily see them and read them.
  3. You can use switch words RELEASE RESISTANCE COUNT MOVE ON. Chant or write them on your husband’s behalf.


King Fisher: is a bird. It will help anyone find new sources of money

Elm: will make you handle multiple things at the same time – like for example, organizing a wedding, where you need to be multi-tasking

Oak: work smarter and get your things done

Release Resistance: After making several efforts, the desired results are not accomplished. It means there is internal resistance in us, which stops us from achieving our objectives.

Count: to get the money you require

Move: to move forward in life and not stuck up in the current situation

On: no stagnation (remember the expression here: MOVE ON)