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Be a Smarty


Fox: Keyword is ‘Adjust’. It’s like Bach Flower Remedy WALNUT. It works for diplomacy like gem stone EMERALD. Fox: Activates left brain – thinking brain.

Call upon Fox, when:

  • Confrontation won’t work
  • Divorce proceedings is taking longer
  • Without getting irritated, you want to handle people
  • To say “NO” without offending
  • Handle negotiations
  • Work through property dealings, from starting till closing the deal, to speak smartly and tactfully

Visa Finder

Getting visa – for we might be cornered in some way. For getting a visa, the Bach Flower Remedies, WATER VIOLET, LARCH, GENTIAN and WILD ROSE is a beautiful combination. Plus you have to ask the animal spirit guide Fox to be with you. This is required especially when you apply for an American Visa. Bach Flower Remedy Gorse could help too.

Write FOX in a paper and keep the paper with you until the interview is over. Pray to it, to be with you, till the interview is over. Request it to answer for you. 99% of the time you won’t be asked any questions. Your visa application will be accepted. One percent if they ask you, the animal spirit FOX will answer on your behalf.

Being tactful is the need of the hour

Seek FOX when thinking or being tactful is the need of the hour (tandrama pesanum – speak smartly) and you need to be diplomatic; you have to make your point and at the same time the other person should not get angry but understand you. It’s especially helpful for advocates.

Dealing with airport authorities

We don’t know what they are thinking and we couldn’t read their minds (Tamil proverb ‘Nari Moonjia Parthittu Ponga’ – to get better results, watch the face of the fox before you attend to your problem). Fox will help you then.

Animal Spirits June 27 2009 Part II

(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)

Life Situational Remedies

Life Situations Animal Spirit(s)
You need to be diplomatic; you have to make your point and at the same time the other person should not get angry but understand you; It’s helpful for advocates. Wherever you want things to be done call fox.Divorce proceedings may take longer.Its good for getting visa. Bach Flower Remedy Gorse could help too. Fox 
To have freedom from workplace – you are stuck with lots of work and not able to get out of office. You might be planning to go out but you have a visitor not leaving your house. We are away on a holiday for 10 days. Nobody from office should disturb you. Horse
When you blame somebody; when you blame even in mind, the other person will start blaming. Pray, “Horse! Help me to stop this blaming”.
To get cooperation from others. Horse and Willow
Where the terrorist is going to attack next? There is always an unknown fear. Advantage — it will give you protection wherever you go. Pray, “Jackal please, physically mentally and spiritually protect me”.  Alternatively try Travel safety pills.
Husband is not committed to the family. He won’t do anything even when his daughter is getting married. Though he may have good friends outside the family When you put Jackal in the heart of the husband he will be committed to the family. He is a Wild Rose person.
For boost of strength Hornbeam, Elm, and Horse

Conflict Situations

You want to resolve a conflict; you want peace and harmony to prevail, but don’t have it – whenever we want something then it means we lack that.

When there is a conflict and misunderstanding then call upon Chimpanzee and affirm, “Please solve this misunderstanding for me”. It will heal the situation for you.

Call Blue Whale, for any type of conflict.

We always have problems and quarrels – either with somebody in the family or on the road. To have no problems inside your family call upon Blue Whale and Chimpanzee.


Wolf is an all-rounder

Wolf equals help. You can call it anytime and for anything. Chitra went for eye treatment to Kerala. It’s a new place to her. She had no accommodation reserved in her name. So she prayed to Wolf, “Get me the accommodation”. Within few hours she got an excellent accommodation that se didn’t dream of.

If you call upon Wolf, even when you travel by plane you could take more luggage than allowed.