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Find the Right Resources for SUCCESS

For… Money, Study, Purpose and People…


To gather all resources for the exam, when the child is under-prepared and anxious, write the name of the child, and Squirrel using the circle technique.


Squirrel: For people who are doing nothing or loitering around, will find purpose in life


To be surrounded and attract honest and straight-forward people: Squirrel.


To gather all resources for an interview, when you are not prepared for it and therefore you worry about it: SQUIRREL


SQUIRREL can help you to organize and execute your work. You will find the time to do it. You will be able to split up your work in such a way, that you will complete them by bits and pieces.


SQUIRREL: For wise investment. We don’t know how to invest and the company where we have invested will not do well. To handle all of them, call upon Squirrel.


Squirrel: Promotes savings and to accumulate money bit by bit

Cut down Unwanted expenses or money is over by 10th: SQUIRREL. It also helps to do anything within the budget.


Squirrel also will bring in lot of money.

To start earning money, and there will be no financial problem as somehow you will get money: SQUIRREL

You can call upon Squirrel when you are desperately looking for money. Though, it will work only when you need money and constantly worry about it.

Too much financial worries, even though you have enough money in your hands: SQUIRREL

Mediation is easy, when there is a conflict


Seek the help of Crane…

  • For mediation and conciliation; in Hindi crane is called as Saras — which means easy, therefore mediation is easy.
  • When you want to pacify two people. 
  • You are caught between two situations. Call crane to come out of confusion.
  • For focusing
  • If you have the lack of money, attention or appreciation, call Crane

When you come across a Crane, you need to…

  • Bring balance into your life. 
  • You must devote time to your family. 
  • Eat at the right time.

Couple of Cranes came knocking at my doors


I am wondering if you could help me with an animal spirit guide question.

Since my family and I have moved to Florida, we have admired and loved the Florida Sand Hill Crane. It has become our favorite family bird.

Well, a week ago, two Cranes literally came to my front door. They normally are peaceful birds but tend to shy away from humans and don’t walk around in front lawns. Instead these two birds approached me. One was more daring and actually touched its beak to my right leg, which happens to be an injured leg from nerve damage. It just looked at me, inches away from my face. We had such a connection, it was amazing. Then they both lie down and fell asleep, right next to me.

I felt like it was so amazing and spiritual. I had to go answer the phone and then when I came back they were gone. I felt it was a sign. A day later I had a dream about a crane at a front door trying to get in, I wouldn’t let it in, and it was aggressive and upset.

Any insight into this encounter and dream would be appreciated. I know they are my spirit guides. Now, I just know it, but I wonder if it is a permanent guide or just to teach a lesson or both.


They just came to teach you a lesson. It is nice to read this posting and through the crane, I am amazed at how God is guiding all of us, especially you.

God is always beside you. What else you need in this life other than God. I am reminded of a story. “What do you want?” the god asked.  “When you are here, in front of me, what else I need?” the Baktha (disciple) said.

What is the message of crane?  Express your thanks and gratitude to what all happened in your life. Thank those known to you, thank your parents, teachers, friends, all those who interacted with you, those unknown to you, and all the incidents – whether good or unwanted.

Finally, with tears in your eyes flowing down to the cheeks, you pray and thank God.

Chant NAMASHIVAYAM from the heart.