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No Work during festival holidays

Swami was asked to work through festival holidays, due to tight project schedule.

As he is the business analyst for the project and his presence is a must, he couldn’t ask for leave during that period.

He downloaded a picture of horse and kept it as a screen saver.

His boss, knowing Swami’s need to go to his native place, without any prompting from Swami, allowed him to go to his native place, with an additional two day’s comp-off.



I have been seriously procrastinating in the office due to my heart no longer being I the work I am doing. I really wanted to get my work done. To clean up so that I can feel comfortable moving on to a better more suitable location.

However, no matter what sort of affirmation or pushing I did to myself, I would waste time. I even got sick for a week I believe as a way to escape the office. I felt compassion for myself because I know I am a good worker and that this is happening because I have ignored myself wanting to leave too many times. It was a self-protest if you will.

The situation was becoming problematic though because I was running out of excuses as to why certain items have not yet been completed. I tried to use the circle technique with the Bach flowers Oak, Hornbeam and Elm. I still was not able to get any work done and instead spent my time looking at my astrology and in resolving other personal issues (these issues are important too but work is not the right place!)

Finally, something reminded me to go check out Naran’s animal suggestions. I was thinking of an animal other than horse but I couldn’t remember what Naran had said.

I want everyone to know EMU is the animal that will help you defeat procrastination IMMEDIATELY.  I saw a picture of Emu and laughed! After that the work became necessary to do. It went from a chore to just simply the next thing I am going to do…no problem. I am a bit more light-hearted and finished something that should have been done 3 weeks ago in less than 30 mins.

I am sure Emu will continue to help me until I get to the very end of my to-do list.

Thank you EMU. Thank you Naran. Thank you God!

A lazy boy becomes studious

A Chinese mythological story…

A boy was not doing well in class. He was lazy. He used to get up late and had never been to school on time.

One day by chance he got up early. Heard the wake-up call of a Rooster, rather woke up due to it. On a whim he took a decision that he will wake up early like the Rooster and will be the first person to reach the school.

Well, he stuck to his vow, was the first to reach his school, until he completed his schooling, of course.

Moral of the story

Rooster will make you enthusiastic about your endeavors.

Going forward…

So pray to the animal spirit guide Rooster to have enthusiasm and joy for your studies or work. Have the picture of it as your screen saver.

Parents could put up of picture of Rooster, so that their children could study well. How? They do study story books with a great deal of interest. However, when it comes to their studies, they feel bored. But, thanks to Rooster they will develop interest in their studies.