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Find the Right Resources for SUCCESS

For… Money, Study, Purpose and People…


To gather all resources for the exam, when the child is under-prepared and anxious, write the name of the child, and Squirrel using the circle technique.


Squirrel: For people who are doing nothing or loitering around, will find purpose in life


To be surrounded and attract honest and straight-forward people: Squirrel.


To gather all resources for an interview, when you are not prepared for it and therefore you worry about it: SQUIRREL


SQUIRREL can help you to organize and execute your work. You will find the time to do it. You will be able to split up your work in such a way, that you will complete them by bits and pieces.


SQUIRREL: For wise investment. We don’t know how to invest and the company where we have invested will not do well. To handle all of them, call upon Squirrel.


Squirrel: Promotes savings and to accumulate money bit by bit

Cut down Unwanted expenses or money is over by 10th: SQUIRREL. It also helps to do anything within the budget.


Squirrel also will bring in lot of money.

To start earning money, and there will be no financial problem as somehow you will get money: SQUIRREL

You can call upon Squirrel when you are desperately looking for money. Though, it will work only when you need money and constantly worry about it.

Too much financial worries, even though you have enough money in your hands: SQUIRREL

Manage Your Work and Assignments Successfully

Call upon Animal Spirit Guide TORTOISE, when you want to give up a project – maybe it’s too complicated to complete and you become desperate to finish. The equivalent Switch Words are SLOW CARE.

Manage your work

SQUIRREL can help you to organize and execute your work. You will find the time to do it. You will be able to split up your work in such a way, that you will complete them by bits and pieces.


For creativity in the film world, CHIMPANZEE will work.

Resources to achieve your goal

At work, if you think there is no promotion in sight, CUCKOO will give you the required patience to achieve your goal.

Handling a difficult task

When you are heavily burdened, finding it difficult to do the job on hand, see the picture of EMU

Getting co-operation

When you need cooperation from others especially for computer professionals, chant HORSE and (Bach Flower Remedy) WILLOW

If in a factory the workers are not working properly, you can hang the photo of the WOLF there.

Managing your superiors

INDIAN CUCKOO: In government offices where the higher-ups pressurize too much the lower staff, to handle them by lower rank people, this bird will help.

Project Management

RABBIT also helps to complete all projects in time.