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Love follows without fail

One person who is loved by all is the one who loves all

One’s love is different as a wife, as a daughter and as a son. But as a mother one’s is totally different. To know what is mother’s love is taught by Pigeon.

If you go on seeing the photo of Pigeon and meditate upon it, it will make you conceive as it gives you motherly qualities.

We have all lost the patience, love and so we all can see the photo of Pigeon often.

Love is measured by us to give it others and we do not give it spontaneously. Those who do not have these, the pigeon will cultivate it in them.

What is the mental state here is the person cannot enjoy at the success of others. “Why me?” the question is there in all of us. If one says, why me, it means there is no love, there is no perseverance and there is no patience. The pigeon will give you all these three qualities.

You are in the midst of trials and tribulations. You need to have endurance and perseverance, and wait for your turn. So to develop endurance, perseverance, and patience seek Pigeon.

The Animal Spirit Guides BLUE WHALE, JELLY FISH, PIGEON and CHIMPANZEE are the best combination for harmony.

It makes you become more sociable.

Manage Your Work and Assignments Successfully

Call upon Animal Spirit Guide TORTOISE, when you want to give up a project – maybe it’s too complicated to complete and you become desperate to finish. The equivalent Switch Words are SLOW CARE.

Manage your work

SQUIRREL can help you to organize and execute your work. You will find the time to do it. You will be able to split up your work in such a way, that you will complete them by bits and pieces.


For creativity in the film world, CHIMPANZEE will work.

Resources to achieve your goal

At work, if you think there is no promotion in sight, CUCKOO will give you the required patience to achieve your goal.

Handling a difficult task

When you are heavily burdened, finding it difficult to do the job on hand, see the picture of EMU

Getting co-operation

When you need cooperation from others especially for computer professionals, chant HORSE and (Bach Flower Remedy) WILLOW

If in a factory the workers are not working properly, you can hang the photo of the WOLF there.

Managing your superiors

INDIAN CUCKOO: In government offices where the higher-ups pressurize too much the lower staff, to handle them by lower rank people, this bird will help.

Project Management

RABBIT also helps to complete all projects in time.

Make Your Communication Effective

You want others to understand you…

When you think, others are not listening to you and that you are misunderstood, call upon the Animal Spirit Guide Cuckoo. Then the opposite person will listen to you thanks to Cuckoo. When you are praying to Cuckoo, either visualize the person or keep his photograph and then pray.

If something does not happen, to reach up to the divine time, keep Cuckoo with you. During situations, ‘So many years we are looking for a groom’, and ‘No promotion in sight’, Cuckoo will give you required patience.

Message from Cuckoo: if you sight a Cuckoo, then stop gossiping as you are talking bad about a person behind their backs.

Face any Confrontation without fear

If you expect a confrontation, take the picture of Animal Spirit Guide Crab and show it to them.

Crab helps you to quickly adapt to new situations and a new life. For newly married girl, give the picture of Crab. She will understand her husband’s family easily.

Find whether your partner is genuine or not

When you are entering into partnership or marriage, to find out whether they are genuine or not, take the picture of crow with you.

A business offer comes, you want to know whether it is good to accept it or not. Animal Spirit Guide Crow will help you to figure it out. Keep its picture in the pocket till you take the decision.

Write the name of the bride, draw a circle over it, and write the word Crow around it. She will invite the right partner.

Message from Crow: if you sight a crow in an unusual circumstance then something good and big will happen to you.