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A lazy boy becomes studious

A Chinese mythological story…

A boy was not doing well in class. He was lazy. He used to get up late and had never been to school on time.

One day by chance he got up early. Heard the wake-up call of a Rooster, rather woke up due to it. On a whim he took a decision that he will wake up early like the Rooster and will be the first person to reach the school.

Well, he stuck to his vow, was the first to reach his school, until he completed his schooling, of course.

Moral of the story

Rooster will make you enthusiastic about your endeavors.

Going forward…

So pray to the animal spirit guide Rooster to have enthusiasm and joy for your studies or work. Have the picture of it as your screen saver.

Parents could put up of picture of Rooster, so that their children could study well. How? They do study story books with a great deal of interest. However, when it comes to their studies, they feel bored. But, thanks to Rooster they will develop interest in their studies.

Wolf My Pal

My wife won’t listen to me. Neither my child would listen to me. However, the animal spirit guide Wolf will do that.

Every day in the morning, I talk to the Animal Spirit Guide Wolf first. I tell it what I am going to do that day and ask it to help me manage those affairs.

One day I had to talk to my parents. I was expecting some arguments, which I wanted to avoid. Therefore, I requested Wolf to go and speak to them on my behalf first, before I reach there.

When I reached my parents’ house, I need not take any extra efforts to convince them. Somehow, they seem to understand my side of the story, without me convincing them in any way.

 So, folks I want you to know that I never handle anything in my life without seeking the help of my pal, the animal spirit guide Wolf. In addition, I carry his picture in my purse.

 As told by Venky