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Fly High

While travelling in a car I saw an eagle flying and sitting on an electric pole. Is there a message there?


Have a long-term goal.

Think positively and do things.

Other Messages from Eagle

  1. Any struggle is not a struggle and it is only a challenge.
  2. Get initiated into a Mantra
  3. Walk in the spiritual path
  4. Watch your temper, arguments – which will lead you to harmful ways
  5. Stop the quarrel you are presently involved and rise above mundane things
  6. Avoid fats
  7. Avoid sweets – it will take you down spiritually
  8. Conserve your energy

Seeking the Help of Animal Spirit Guides

Call them when you require help

Animal spirits are there, to help us. They can be called for any kind of help.

God is helping us through nature – Bach Flower Remedies and Animal Spirits for example.

We label someone as a dog, when we wanted to abuse them, even though we don’t have intelligence of a dog.

Animals are right brain beings and therefore they are much more intelligent than us.

They are your friends

We are part of animals, flowers, minerals (gemstones) etc.

Like calling upon Bach Flower remedies – in the form of chanting, we could use animal spirits too.

Speak to them as though speaking to a friend. They are divine angels. They will come to your aid.

How and when to call them?

Call them when there is a need.

Each animal has some resource that we could use.

For example, Call Wolf whenever you need help – let us say you need to get a seat in the bus.

Some more examples: to get hotel reservations, to get the appropriate rent, to get the reasonable price when selling the land and to get volunteers (for Wolf is a Volunteer). It’s raining and you need a taxi. You will find one stopping by your house.

Whenever you think about Animal Spirit Guides, prostrate to them as they are divine beings. Only human beings are not divine as our mind rules us.

Please note:

Picture of Animals like Rabbit, Wolf and other 36 animal spirit guides are available at the centre.

 Buy them and use them to invoke their energy/resource, and fill yourself as well as your surroundings with that energy.

Getting co-operation from others

My husband doesn’t have job satisfaction


Even though my husband is working hard, he is not getting appreciated. He doesn’t have job satisfaction either.

Because of office politics he is suffering a lot. His colleagues and manager are trying to spoil his name.


 Write the names of Bach flowers “HOLLY, WILLOW, BEECH, WALNUT” in a piece of paper and keep it in his pocket. 

Keep the HORSE picture also in his pocket.

How to gain respect, affection and cooperation?

V. Rajalakshmi

What should be done to gain respect and affection and cooperation from colleagues at work place?


Keep a HORSE picture. Call HORSE and ask “please be in my energy field so that I get cooperation from my colleagues”.

 Daily chant WATER VIOLET while going to the office.  Write WATER VIOLET in a piece of paper and keep it with you.


Wolf the Friend, Reiki the Saviour


Yes friends. WOLF is my best friend. Only because of him, I could attend the Reiki Past-Life healing classes at Chennai.

The story goes like this:

It was almost over, only 4 days left for the class.

Tuesday morning, I had not found a place to stay in Chennai. I am new to Chennai and have no friends or relatives in Chennai.

Spoke to Shobana madam requesting for some arrangement for stay. But till that day, nothing worked out.

Suddenly, sitting at office around 11-00a.m. got reminded of WOLF, our great friend.

Instantly, I prayed to WOLF:

1)      Please help me find a suitable place to stay within my budget.

2)      Help me to get the permission from my husband to go to Chennai.

3)      Help me to get some way of transportation to reach Chennai, as there was long week-end holiday ahead.

And lo, within next 48 hrs, everything got arranged.

1)      Got a PG to stay with the help of Shobana madam.

2)      Got the permission from my husband.

3)      Got my ticket to travel by Special buses arranged by KSRTC.

Superb, was the class which came as a blessing for me from the UNIVERSE. Probably, nowhere else we might get such enlightenment.

Thanks to NARAN, channel of Lord Narayan in the form of human being, to exchange the love and light energy to the HUMAN KIND.

Yes! Your job can be fun and enriching!!

Even in the morning times when one is not motivate to do the work, HUMMING BIRD can help.

Interest to do your job

Not to lose interest in your work, DRAGON FLY will help you

Feeling bored

When you are getting bored with doing the same routine work look at the picture of DOLPHIN and immediately you will get a surge of energy.

If you dislike your current job, you will not find a new job

Many people say that “I don’t like this job”. With the result they will not give their hundred percent to their work.

Cursing the employer and everyday going to the work with lot of resentment, in all situation you will not get any other job till you give your hundred percent.

Suddenly will dislike a place and feel somebody is bossing over you and recognition is not there or proper remuneration is not there. In all such cases, PELICAN will work wonders and make that person give hundred percent in the present job.

If you are not getting a new job then find out how you treat the current job.

Work-Life balance

Call upon HORSE, when:

  • You don’t want to be a slave to somebody, for example to your boss at work
  • To have freedom from workplace – you are stuck with lots of work and not able to get out of office. And it’s already late.
  • Say, you are away on a holiday for 10 days. Nobody from office should disturb you.
  • When a task couldn’t be completed, or you need strength to complete the work
  • When we want to come out of dire straits, for example the economic downturn in US (you could project it on to US)
  • It gives you leadership qualities